
Opakovaci test:

Témata:  1- Shopping

                2-Phone English

                3-Free/Leisure Time

                4 -USA


Grammar:  1 -Zájmena osobní (I, you, he, she.... ), přivlastňovací

                        (my, your, his...), zvratná (myself - I hurt myself...)

                    2-Podmínková věta 2 (If I had..., I would buy... )

                    3 -Předpřítomný čas (I have seen..., Have you been...?

Shopping-vocabulary, phrases...

1) Stores: supermarket, greengrocer´s - zelenina, ovoce, butcher´s-řeznictví, baker´s-pekařství, candy store, chemist´s/drugstore-drogerie, lékárna, toy store-hračkářství, book shop, clothing shop, shoe shop, sports shop, jeweller´s - šperky, farmer´s market - farmářské trhy, florist-květinářství, fish store/seafood store, post office-pošta, hardware store - železářství, gardening centre

2) Online Shopping and online shopping safety: Item-something you want to buy, website-online site where you can buy almost anything, shopping basket, checkout-než odešlete objednávku, zobrazí se celková cena, delivery address- doručovací adresa, order confirmation- potvrzení objednávky, landline- pevná linka,open an account-otevřít si účet, payment- platba, cancel order-zrušit objednávku, up-to-date antivirus software - aktuální protivirový program

3) More:  wallet-peněženka, counter - pult, pay- platit,  cash register-pokladna, cashier-pokladní, barcode-čárový kód, receipt-účtenka, fitting/changing room-kabinka na převlékání, cash-hotovost, coins-mince, bill-papírová bankovka, ATM-bankomat, gift card-poukaz na nákup zboží, costumer-zákazník, shop assistant-prodavač, manager-manažer, return-vrátit, vrácené zboží, complain about...-stěžovat si na....,guarantee/warranty-záruka, sizes- small, medium, large, extra large, in stock/out of stock-na skladě/není na skladě, sold out - vyprodané,  sale- výprodej

4) About  Clothes: wide-široký, narrow - úzký, loose-volný, tight - těsný, short, long - dlouhý 


Can I help you?  Can I have.......?

No thanks, I am just looking. Jen se dívám, díky.

I would like ......in blue color, medium size

Can you recommend a good sports store?   Mužete mi doporučit dobrý obchod se sportovním zbožím?

What time do you open/close?

Can I help you?  Can I have.......?

I would like ......in blue color, medium size

The jacket fits/doesn´t fit well.

I need bigger/smaller size.

How much is it?

Do you have....in stock?  Máte.....na skladě?

Can I try this on?

Yes, the fitting/changing rooms are over there.

I´ll take this. Vezmu si to.

That´s all. To je vše.

Do you accept credit cards?  Akceptujete platební kartu?

Can I get a refund for...?  Mužete mi vrátit peníze?

Can I exchange....for ...? Mohu vyměnit... za...?

Can you recommend a good sports store?   Mužete mi doporučit dobrý obchod se sportovním zbožím?

What time do you open/close?


Vocabulary, phrases...

Extension - klapka

Available- být k dispozici

Message - vzkaz

Can I help you?     Mohu vám pomoci?

Who is calling?      Kdo volá?

This is John.           U telefonu je John.

Can I talk to...?     Mohu hovořit s...?

I´ll put you through.  Přepojím vás.

I am calling about  my new job. Volám ohledně své nové práce.

You are breaking up. Slyším tě přerušovaně.

Hang up and try again. Zavěs a zkus mne znovu zavolat.

Can you speak up?  Můžeš mluvit hlasitěji?

My battery is very low.  Mám slabou baterii.

Can you hear me ok?    Slyšíš mě dobře?

You can reach me at 777........    Můžete mne zastihnout na tomto čísle.

Hold on a second.  Vydržte chvilku na telefonu.

Is Mr. G available? Je Mr. G k dispozici?

Can you call back later? Můžete zavolat později?

Can I leave a message? Mohu zanechat vzkaz?

Can I take a message? Mohu si vzít/zapsat vzkaz?

Can you spell your name? Můžete vyhláskovat své jméno?

Can you repeat that please?  Můžete to prosím zopakovat?

Ms. Jones is busy at the moment. Paní  J je momentálně zaneprázdněná.

Thank you for your call. Díky za  zavolání.

Leisure Time - volný čas

Vocabulary / Phrases 

Hang out- trávit čas s ...

Take up basketball -začít hrát basketbal.

Join  - přidat se k...

Eat out- jíst venku mimo domov

Creative - tvořivý

Practice-trénovat, trénink (soccer practice-fotbalový trénink)

Work out - posilovat

Gym- tělocvična

Chat - klábosit

Text - posílat si sms

Collect coins-sbírat mince (a coin collection- sbírka mincí)

I am interested in...Zajímám se o...

I am into / crazy about sports. Jsem blázen do sportu.

Play a musical instrument-hrát na hudební nástroj

I am on a volleyball team. Jsem členem volejb. týmu.


Do you go out? Do you eat out?

How often, where? (Movies, restaurants, concerts, sport events, matches)

Do you collect anything? Have you got anything special in your collection?

Are you creative? (arts and crafts, music, writing....)

How do you relax?

Do you sometime get bored? If yes, what do you do?

Are you on a sports team? How often do you practice?

What do you like about being on a team?

The United States of America


Population: over 326 millions

51 states

US flag is called Stars and Stripes

Capital - Washington DC

The USA borders with Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.

Oceans - Atlantic Ocean on the east coast, Pacific Ocean on the west coast

Most important US rivers-Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado

Highest mountain-McKinley

Lowest point - The Death Valley

Largest US mountain ranges- Appalachian and Rocky Mountains

Political System

USA is a  federal republic where the president, congress and supreme court share powers

Congress consists of two parts:

 1) Senate

 2) House of Representatives

Two party system: Republicans and Democrats


1492 - Ch. Columbus discovered America on his ship La Pinta

1620 - Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth on a ship The Mayflower from England. Native Americans tought them how to grow corn and other crops and helped them survive the first winter. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated every year.

1773 - Boston Tea Party

1776 - Thomas Jefferson´s Declaration of Independence

1788 -New  CityUS Constitution

1789 - George Washington elected first president of USA

1854 - Civil War - North vs South (supported slavery)

1863 - Abraham Lincoln declares all slaves to be free

1865 - slavery abolished (zrušeno)

1876 - Sioux Indians defeat US troops at Little Big Horn

19th and 20th Centuries

1929 - Wall Street StockMarket Crash, následuje The Great Depression

1941 - US declares war on Japan

1945 - US drops two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

1947 - Cold War with Soviet Union begins

1950¨s - Korean and Vietnam Wars

50´´s, 60¨s  - Segregation, Martin Luther King - civil rights activist

Places to Visit

National Parks: 

Yellowstone     www.yellowstonepark.com

Monument Valley, Arches, Bryce Canyon


Grand Canyon - www.nps.gov.grca

New York City

Nickname: Big Apple

Také se často používá  označení Melting Pot, kvůli množství kultur , které v NYC společně žijí

5 boroughs - Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island


Skyscrapers = Empire State Building, Freedom  Tower (na místě bývalých Twin Towers), Rockefeller Center

Statue of Liberty- symbol of freedom and immigration

Brooklyn  Bridge - the oldest stone bridge in the city

Broadway Avenue - okolo 42. ulice na Manhattanu  

se nachází  mnoho divadel, kde se hrajií vyhlášené muzikály - musicals

Museums- Metropolitan Museum, Museum of Natural History, Guggenheim etc,

Macy¨s-famous department store

Yankee Stadium- famous baseball stadium

San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge


Los Angeles



beaches, Miami Beach, South Beach, Disneyland

More:  Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, etc.

Famous People:

Politics: J.F.Kennedy, G.Washington, M. L. King, ......

Music, Film: Ch. Chaplin, F, Sinatra, E, Presley, L. Armstrong, M.Monroe, ....

N. Armstrong-astronaut, the first man on the Moon

Literature: E.A.Poe, E.Hemingway, F.S.Fitzerald....

Sport: M. Phelps, S. Williams, M.Jordan......

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